MealAway Ltd is a UK company providing technology consulting services and engaged in the development, adaptation and improvement of blockchain and cloud technologies for business. Blockchain solutions can help eliminate complex and costly data reconciliation required by most data management systems and bring together different parties in conditions of lack of trust. This technology eliminates malicious modification of data and program code and unauthorized interference from any side.
The main activity of MealAway company is to ensure traceability, digital transformation, and optimization of supply food chain management. MealAway provides expert technical guidance, planning, and implementation of digital solutions, which are required by the production and logistics processes of businesses of different industries.
MealAway Development team is unique community of people with strong background at common business spheres, international finance professionals and experienced cryptography and blockchain technology developers. We are open to joint all people with same vision of social business and investment transformation, transparent and clear participation at any charity global initiatives for legal entities and private persons with the main goal to help people who really need it. We all in MealAway strongly believe than non-commercial and semi-charity blockchain initiatives can over perform next five year traditional blockchain market options with volume of users, transactions and total cash-flow.
MealAway offer you our innovative food market high-tech solutions based on the latest IoT and DLT developments for trustworthy traceability of product supply chains, along with deep analysis, to improve your business efficiency, prevent the losses relating to the counterfeiting products; reduce losses and increase profits.
Our fast grow forecast for non-profit blockchain markent vision is based on common concept, that the blockchain technology is better serve for non-profit, social and charity solutions and can be used for anyone want to make this world better for all of us. Meal Ecosystem first aid to create the a direct connection between blockchain technology and social public initiatives.
Generally we all strive to make the world a better place for anyone.